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May 3, 2012

Look de uñas: Tiras brillantes/NOTD Bright Stripes


Hola mis bellezas!
Este es un post super corto, solo para enseñarles el look de uñas que hice anoche. La verdad no es la gran cosa o tiene algún concepto, mas que nada quería printarlas de amarillo y rosa intenso, no sabia que hacer así que solo cree rayas.

Les dejo debajo los esmaltes que use.

Hello my beauties!
This is a super short post, just to show you my NOTD, I started them last night and finished them today. Truth to be told, is not a big deal or have a concept idea, more than anything wanted to paint them yellow and bright pink, didn't know what to do, so I only created stripes.

 I leave that nail polishes I used.

Aun sigo algo mal con los labios, por ende sigo con los looks de uñas :P.
Les gusta experimentar con el diseño de sus uñas o solo las pintan de un solo color?

My lips are still a little delicate, therefore I still have the nail looks: P.
You guys like to experiment with the design of your nails or just paint them with a one color?

Look de uñas: Tiras brillantes/NOTD Bright Stripes
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